New Venture
Business Planning

Let us assist in planning your next
business venture
and guide you to achieve
ultimate digital growth.

We have been creating, planning and evolving businesses for 20+ years.

There is nothing more exciting than envisioning the potential of your business idea and then seeing it come to life. We love being part of this journey and wouldn’t offer our services if we didn’t think we could significantly help. Don’t be daunted. Get excited. We’ve been here and done this, so let us nurture you through this exciting time as ATM is a business performance agency. Yes we lead with digital solutions to deliver outcomes but essentially we are business strategists with a background in innovative thinking.

We all know that failing to plan is planning to fail. Let ATM give you the right game plan before you invest heavily on any solution that may not suit you long-term. We are not an IT team (that’s just a small part of what we offer), we provide strategies that drive profit.

Before you spend, you need to discover the true value of what you may or may not have. Unless we can add value to your current plan or provide a strategy that reduces overheads and empowers growth, we will be the first to suggest the appropriate provider as your total business performance is our priority.

We are passionate about all business. Optimising / reinventing the old and launching the new. If you are planning to launch a new business; have you thought about how much your project will cost to get off the ground? What are your operational expenses; will you need investors? How will you target them? Our team of seasoned entrepreneurs and advisors can put together a strategy congruent with your goals and ideas.

Talk to us today.

Speak To Us

End-To-End Digital
Marketing Strategy

Why waste money on marketing
a product or service that
doesn’t convert traffic
into customers?
Make data-driven decisions.


Lead Generation
& Conversion

We prioritise converting the highest percentage of leads
to customers, as that's what matters to your bottom line.


Search Engine

The key to search engine
dominance is unlocked with a
tailored SEO plan designed to
improve your organic profile.


Email Marketing &
Database Building

Make the most of your contact
base. Capitalise on your
network and target your market
using quality intel that matters.


Content Marketing
That Works

Diverse on-site and off-site content
marketing strategies geared to
achieve your business goals and
provide long-term digital returns.


Social Media &
Influencer Marketing

We can find the perfect fit for your
business throughout the various
social platforms to
drive more digital results.


Creative Thinking,
Direction & Design

We will design your website so it
positively impacts your bottom line,
not just to look good.


Online Advertising &
Media Buying

Drive instant traffic to your website
and put your
brand in some of
prime real estate.

New Venture
Business Planning

Let us assist in planning your next
business venture
and guide you to achieve
ultimate digital growth.

Web Development,
Hosting & Maintenance

We ensure that your website is built
with the latest technology, safely
hosted and
routinely updated.

Cyber Security
Services & Insurance

With 15+ years in cyber security
strategy and execution, we
make sure that your
online presence is secure.

Growth Capital
For Business

With access to investment and
capital, we are passionate
about seeing businesses
grow their digital profile.

Your own 24/7 Performance Reporting Platform


e-Commerce for all industries. Integrated with Social Marketing.


‘Fear of failure’ is healthy for business.

Improve Your Google Reviews And Let Your Business
Sell Itself


We create fresh, intuitive content
and publish frequently.
We do the work behind the scenes

While You Watch Your Business Grow


20 years experience in providing award-winning digital solutions.

Why We Are Different


We solve the key problems that most SME’s face when choosing a digital team: How do you gain access to a diverse range of critical resources without a huge budget? We provide access to our local, trustworthy, innovative, strategic, accountable face-to-face team whilst also making sure you receive the cost benefit of utilising today’s overseas technical talent marketplace.


With ATM, you deal directly with the owners – putting you on the right path before you spend a dollar. The competition is red hot and relying on a ‘generalist’ or a ‘jack of all trades’ (master of none) simply no longer makes the grade. Successful growth now requires a mix of specialist talent in-order to win – from the initial strategy right through to delivery and ongoing evolution.


The ATM business structure has been designed to make sure you can take full advantage of both our in-house talent and proven external out-house specialists (our JV partners who we manage end-to-end). Throughout the process of growing online, you’ll receive best-in-breed services or nothing. Your IP will never be compromised and our local teams manage everything.

Enquire Today

    Your information is protected
    and will never be reused or shared.

    Melbourne Head Office

    40-42 Boundary St, South Melbourne VIC 3205

    Phone: 1300 780 471
    Email: [email protected]